Saturday 18 January 2014

4th Wedding Anniversary

18th Jan 2010 was the Day 1of entering a new phase of life - Marriage!

Wedding is the day whereas Marriage is a life long affair. The journey has been wonderful with a companion as accommodating as my lovely wife Srividya. Unlike any other, the emotions have been the same, moments of joy, laughter, sorrow, anger, depression, anxiety & curiosity. We had made a commitment to trust each other & have faith in our relationship that would last forever and now after four years when I look back, we have stood by that.

She has given the greatest gift to our Family - a ball of love, my Daughter!

Colors & Smiles of Life

Both the families couldn't be any more happier than what it is without the values upheld by Her. Paying attention to finer details of Her speech, thoughts & choice of words, She has done a marvelous connection with everyone. Her respect, love & care is impartial.

With Blessing from Parents & wishes from the Family, sure to lead our marriage to the Golden Jubilee!